- Recording CPD hours
Recording CPD hours

How to record CPD activities
The best way to keep track of your CPD activities is to regularly update your CPD Diary. This convenient online tool allows you to record and edit the courses, events, workshops and webinars you attend each year. To help with this process, when you complete any professional development that's facilitated by CPA Australia, your CPD Diary will automatically be updated. This means you only need to manually record activities that are not provided by CPA Australia.
CPD Diary
This convenient online tool helps you to record all the CPD activities you complete throughout the year.
CPD activity categories
These includes congresses, conferences and conventions presented by CPA or other professional accounting bodies are designed to cater for a broad spectrum of Member interests including updating technical and softer skills.
These includes courses, webinars, seminars or workshops (incl. online presented CPA Australia, other professional accounting bodies, membership organisations and accredited training providers.
Discussion group meetings organised by CPA, or other professional bodies which provide a structured form for exchange of technical information relevant to members role with a common interest.
In-house educational activities that increases knowledge and skills relevant to their current work and future work and develops professional competence:
- on the job training
- practical experience
- coaching
- "in-house" courses
Tertiary courses leading to a degree, diploma, or post graduate qualification (accredited by the Australian Skills and Quality Authority (ASQA) that increases knowledge and skills relevant to their current work and future work and develops professional competence can be claimed as CPD hours. You can claim 120 hours for each subject passed, if a subject is failed you can claim 20 hours towards time spent studying.
Members can claim up to four (4) verifiable CPD hours per year for activities that improve their understanding of the importance of health and wellbeing or develop skills that support health and wellness in the workplace for staff and clients. This falls under category F Appropriate Developmental Activities, and may include attending a webinar or seminar about mental health first aid, physical first aid, managing stress, building resilience, etc.
To be claimable, the CPD needs to be relevant to your role/career path with demonstrated learning outcomes which contribute to developing professional competence. Therefore, activities such as fitness classes, yoga classes, and meditation will not be considered.
Note: An exception to this is members who undertook The Counting on U training program. They can claim the CPD hours undertaken, which is to a maximum of 15 hours in total.
Researching and writing technical publications which can include the final product to be a published work. The preparation and delivery of technical papers can include time spent in the preparation of lectures, courses and seminars, workshops, webinars, and discussion groups.
Service on technical or research committees under the guidance of CPA or other professional body organisations where objectives are defined and contributions required of individuals. Participation in this committee should increase the members skills, knowledge, and professional competence.
Self-study that increases knowledge and skills relevant to their current work and future work and develops professional competence such as online or in person learning courses by accredited providers.
These include reading articles from any periodical professional journal or magazine (i.e. INTHEBLACK), listening to podcasts or watching videos. A maximum of 10 hours in total can be claimed for all activities.
Participating as a mentor or mentee in the CPA mentoring program, mentoring activities must reinforce skill and knowledge of all party involved. A maximum of 10 hours in total can be claimed.
This can be claimed by members who work for a Recognised Employer up to a maximum of 40 hours per year.
This can be pro-rated for partially completed years of employment.
These include any course or event that helps in maintaining professional competency and helping safeguard the integrity of the accounting profession.
CPD Diary FAQs
Using the CPD Diary
A brief description of the title of the course/seminar/workshop/webinar and/or the topic of the activity.
A description of the relevant learning outcomes of the CPD activity undertaken with respect to your current role or career.
Yes. Go to the CPD Diary and click on “update” next to the appropriate CPD entry you want to edit. Then make the changes before you select submit.
No. A maximum of the capped amount for selected CPD categories will contribute towards your CPD obligations.
Due to the system change, you will no longer have access to old records, however, you will be able to request these records by contacting us. Please email [email protected] to get a detailed summary of your CPD activities.
When you go to your CPD diary, your current triennium will be visible (2022-2024, 2023-2025, 2024-2026). However, once that period is over, the next triennium will be automatically created when a development engagement activity is added by a user (staff or member) where it does not fall into a summary period.
Triennium ending Minimum requirement 2023 Nil requirement 2024 Two (2) hours minimum – no overall obligation 2025 Two (2) hours minimum for 2024 and 2025 respectively with no overall obligations 2026 Minimum two (2) hours per year with overall obligation of 10 hours for the triennium
It can take up to 48 hours to see an event attended in the CPA Diary.
- It can take up to 48 hours to see an event attended in the CPA Diary.
You can recognise up to 40 hours for each year of employment. This can be pro-rated for partially completed years of employment. Use Code L in the CPD Diary – e.g. if you work for the entire year, you can claim 40 hours. If you work for six months of the year, you can claim 20 hours.
- This is a CPA Australia Learning Management activity or a CPA Australia event where your attendance is yet to be confirmed.
Due to migration to a new system, some members will notice their triennium has changed and now reflects a new period. We have had a data cleanse in the new system and this has corrected your triennium period based on your most recent join date. You are required to meet your minimum and overall CPD obligations as per the new triennium.
If selected for a CPD review, we will be reviewing your cumulative records as per old and new system.
Ethics CPD requirements FAQs
Discover answers to frequent CPD ethics questions, covering general inquiries, study scenarios, compliance, exemptions, and more on our Ethics requirements for CPD page.