Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA)
Pathway to CPA membership
The following steps demonstrate the pathways to CPA membership for registered members of CICPA.
Step 1: Determine your eligibility
You may be eligible to apply for Associate CPA Australia membership if one of the following applies to you:
Pathway 1
Professionals with 5 or more years of work experience who:
- hold a university degree recognised by CPA Australia as being at least comparable to Australian Bachelor degree level
- have a minimum of 5 years’ relevant work experience as outlined in a CV and workplace testimonial submitted with the application, and
- have successfully completed the exams set and assessed by the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and
- are a current member of CICPA
- are of good standing and not currently subject to any disciplinary sanctions or investigations
- meets any additional admission requirements and/or conditions imposed by CPA Australia for membership.
Pathway 2
Professionals with less than 5 years of work experience who:
- hold a university degree recognised by CPA Australia as being at least comparable to Australian Bachelor degree level
- have less than 5 years’ relevant work experience as outlined in a CV submitted with the application, and
- have successfully completed the exams set and assessed by the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and
- are a member of CICPA
- are of good standing and not currently subject to any disciplinary sanctions or investigations.
- meets any additional admission requirements and/or conditions imposed by CPA Australia for membership.
Step 2: Apply
Complete our online application and submit with the required documentation, including your application and membership fee.
In your application, nominate CICPA as the professional body with whom you studied and hold membership.
Step 3: Verification and outcome of your application
We will verify the information in your application and send you an email advising you of your assessment outcome.
Our current application response time is available via our How To Apply page.
Step 4: Advance to CPA status
Once you become an Associate member of CPA Australia, you must successfully complete the following subjects of the CPA Program according to your verified entry pathway.
Pathway 1
Professionals with a minimum of 5 years of relevant work experience
Pathway 2
Professionals with less than 5 years of relevant work experience
When complete, you will advance to CPA status, receive a CPA certificate and will then be able to use the letters CPA after your name.
Membership pathways FAQ
Have questions about membership pathways and arrangements? Find answers here.