Statement from the Board 30 August 2018
Statement from the Board 30 August 2018
The CPA Australia Board met last week and was very pleased to review and approve CPA Australia’s new strategy that will be the blueprint for our organisation over the next three years.
You can view the full strategy or watch a video of CEO Andrew Hunter and myself introducing the strategy.
The strategy focuses on delivering increased value and service for members. It is informed by the views of members through more than six months of extensive consultation.
Framed by new vision and purpose statements, the strategy consists of six strategic goals that are supported by a number of objectives and initiatives.
The Board would like to thank all members who provided input into the development of the strategy. We welcome your involvement and appreciate your interest.
Together with Andrew and the team, the Board looks forward to implementing the strategy and realising its vision for the benefit of members.
Peter Wilson AM FCPA
President and Chair
On behalf of CPA Australia’s Board of Directors
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