Our Constitution
Content Summary
The CPA Australia Constitution provides detailed information about aspects of the organisation, including:
- membership
- admission
- fees and payments
- regulation of member conduct
- our directors and officers
- powers of the Board.
Current Constitution
Our current Constitution was approved at the Annual General Meeting on 11 May 2022.
Superseded Constitutions
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Notis Pengumpulan Ahli
Memberi anda maklumat yang lebih terperinci berdasarkan interaksi anda dengan Kami sebagai ahli atau calon ahli.
- CPA corporate information
Employee collection notice
Detailed information based on your interaction with Us as an employee or prospective employee
- CPA corporate information
Get involved
Member collaboration occurs through councils, committees, policy centres and educational programs
- CPA corporate information
Privacy policy and statement: Hong Kong
Our Privacy Policy outlines our privacy practices relating to your personal information
- CPA corporate information
For employers
Empower your business and employees with CPA Australia
- CPA corporate information
General collection notice
Detailed information based on your interaction with Us, excluding member and employees
- CPA corporate information